Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Post!!

OK...I just purged the shit out of my facebook...I kept only babes, real friends and family. I'm starting this blog to be as self serving as a want...I hate when people spill their guts out on facebook...I don't know why, I'm a major snob I guess...but I hate it all the same.

On my blog I plan to gossip, share secrets, show things that inspire me, make you smile (hopefully) etc etc etc...Thanks for checking in!


  1. Welcome to the blog arena!
    There are so many great blogs and you'll meet lots of different bloggers.
    Have fun Amanda...

  2. Hey,

    I just started a blog as well....It's supposed to be for school but I add in all the cool stuff I like. Ha ha. I think I will continue it after the course is done. I'll follow u if u follow me:)

  3. I wondered why you were asking me about blogs ha ha

  4. YESSSS, finally!! Welcome to the blogosphere, my friend! I trust that you'll like it here... xx
