Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Bridges are Burning...

 The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn.  I am not generally a bridge is too short, what's the point?! I mean recently I deleted people off Facebook but it wasn't to burn any bridges, it was to take out the trash...there's a difference.

I was blocked by someone on Facebook a few days ago...ya ya long story...but without getting too into it, someone dear to me decided to turn into a child-like-idiot for no apparent reason...therefore for self preservation and maybe a little sass...I deleted him of FB...I know ok I was childish too...but knowing he was there waiting to be re-added was a settling and comfortable feeling.  I feel like this may sound immature or even a little freaky but...come on you've been there! Anyways went to check in on him yesterday only to find had totally disappeared :( I thought he deleted his FB all together but I found out alas he had not.  You may be thinking...Amanda you shouldn't be sharing this information...but I'm a pretty open book and the sudden change in behaviour in this friend has me perplexed beyond belief.

Anyways the point is...should I let the bridge burn or cross it and get to the other side (I'm so deep....:/) He seems content with letting it burn...I'm not surprised, sad and hurt but not surprised.  I think I will stay true to myself no matter how hurtful he is trying to be and continue to move onwards and upwards.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

American Apparel.

Ugh am I the only one who buys something there...loves it, wears it once...wears it twice...wait I can't wear it again because it's has completely changed shaped from when I bought it!! I just bought these pants... and while they are suppose to be baggy, after wearing them once it looks like I'm wearing a diaper!!! I may just suck it up and go with it...but honestly this is not the first time this has happened! Point and case.... my tap shorts did the same damn thing! I'll likely still buy more goodies there...but it sucks all the same.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hot blondie+ leopard print + motorbikes= RAD

I woke up to 2 followers! Thanks Jill and Jen :) 

I got a bang trim yesterday...(exciting I know), but something exciting did happen! My hair stylist and friend Sarah (she can be found at the lovely asked me if I would be willing to do a photo shoot with her! Her vision is to tone my hair a golden champagne I think she may have even said a pinky golden champagne...either way I'm game.  She said she sees it curled and 60s with me on the back of a vintage motorbike, all leathered up! I found the above pic this morning...Ok I won't be topless...but this pic is a word, rad. Hot blondie+ leopard print + motorbikes= RAD.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

That's me.

I only smoke when drinking...which is often.

First Post!!

OK...I just purged the shit out of my facebook...I kept only babes, real friends and family. I'm starting this blog to be as self serving as a want...I hate when people spill their guts out on facebook...I don't know why, I'm a major snob I guess...but I hate it all the same.

On my blog I plan to gossip, share secrets, show things that inspire me, make you smile (hopefully) etc etc etc...Thanks for checking in!